Saturday 3 April 2021

history of indian culture

History of Indian Culture 

The history of indian culture is changing, dating back to the dawn of human civilization. It begins with mysterious cultures along the Indus River and in agricultural communities in southern India. ... By the end of the fourth century BC, India had already emerged as a region of highly developed civilization.

What is a tradition?

  • When we talk about culture, we are referring to knowledge a
  • a specific group of people, including language, food,
  • social practices, music, art, architecture, philosophy and religion.
  • Cultural deposit deposit information, information,
  • beliefs, values, attitudes, definitions, hierarchies, material things
  • and assets acquired by a group of people on an ongoing basis
  • time.
  • Customs are far from ideal. It contains a liquid and stays in
  • movement.
  • How we summarize Indian culture through these five
  • a thousand years in a matter of one hour?

Indian diversity

  • India, a large country with many physical and social variations
  • nature.
  • Speak People speak different languages, have different religions and customs
  • different cultures.
  • Vers Variety in their eating habits and patterns of dress, music and dance forms.
  • Within But in the midst of all this diversity there is a unity that works as
  • to strengthen strength.


  • Civilization is sometimes used as just another name for culture.
  • In fact, civilization is that stage in cultural development a
  • people there began to live in large houses called towns, independent
  • a high level of physical well-being or a high standard of living.
  • Indian culture is made up of two different elements, the individual mind and the
  • public mind.
  • The concept of India, contains a common, common view
  • kindness.
  • Social psychology, which is the psychological impact of various movements as well
  • customs incorporated over a period of time.
  • That is the cultural community that makes Indians, even though there are regional boundaries
  • as well as various religions and languages, they consider themselves to be a united people
  • perfect.
  • Is This is the concept of one national business that makes national ingredients
  • integration, which is nothing but a spirit of unity of integration
  • multicultural and linguistic communities.

Continuing diversity

  • There are two important aspects that stand out in our culture
  • relevant and this is a continuation of diversity.
  • Indian culture has survived the extinction of time, and it has
  • preserve and expand our cultural heritage despite the military
  • attacks and political unrest.
  • Literature Indian literature, art and architecture and rich history as well
  • cultural values ​​are proof of this.
  • These were passed on to future generations through the audio system of
  • education which was an oral tradition to begin with, and which existed
  • was translated and written much later and this was about
  • Indian heritage to survive.
  • The mixing of people has been going on continuously in India
  • hundreds of years. Population of different races, ethnicities
  • and religious beliefs have settled down here.
  • Character The compound and powerful character of Indian culture is the result of
  • rich contributions of all these diverse cultural groups in the long run of
  • time.

Unity in division

  • There is, a difference in our culture but in spite of this diversity, there
  • the important unity that has been evident over the years.
  • Group Each group or community that came to India added to this
  • rich fabrics. The soul of India, as evidenced by the years,
  • to conquer and embellish or embellish and conform to Him
  • different situations from all external influences in which he
  • met or disagreed.
  • Without major changes and tensions of key threads
  • the continuation can be traced throughout the history of India
  • to this day.
  • Surprisingly, even today the pattern of housing, agriculture,
  • wedding customs and celebrations are a continuation of the past
  • and India has a living culture.

A mixture of people

  • The reason for the diversity in our culture is to meet in the middle
  • different races.
  • From ancient times, people from far and near have been
  • to come and settle here.
  • Find We find people of different races such as ProtoAustraloids, Negroids and Mongoloids living in India.
  • Groups Various ethnic groups such as Iran, Greeks, Kushan, Shakas, Huns,
  • here and mingled with the local people.
  • People People of other cultures bring their own cultural practices,
  • thoughts and ideas, combined with existence
  • custom.

Travel among the Indians

  • Apart from physical barriers, the Indians used to travel from one part of the
  • country to another trade or travel to another country.
  • Some regions were merged with victory or alliance.
  • As a result, people pass on customs and traditions from one place to another
  • heard from another.
  • in the exchange of ideas.
  • Despite geographical and climatic differences, we have a high standard
  • mountains, lowlands, forests, deltas, deserts, tropical and subtropical climates, Climate
  • geography has also been a unifying factor.


  • The rainfall system is very large
  • an important part of the Indians
  • weather pattern.
  • Gives This provides unity throughout the country.


  1. Vaisakhi Punjab,
  2. Nabanna in Bengal,
  3. Magh Bihu in Assam,
  4. Pongal in Tamilnadu,
  5. Onam in Kerala,
  6. Nuakhai in Odhisa
  7. Selangor in Telangana / Andhra Pradesh
history of indian culture

Political Form-Ancient Unity

  • This Unity is also reflected in our political forms.
  • The people used to go from place to place in search of pasture. But as these
  • people started farming, they settled down. This planned life led
  • social development and urban growth that required legislation as well
  • regulations
  • Thus a political party emerged. Several tribes or families are derived
  • Meetings such as Sabha, Summit, Vidatha, and Ghana are discussed at
  • Vedas. They have used deliberate, military, and religious practices
  • Over time, the concept of rashtra emerged and took place
  • it became a new measure of power.
  • The period from the sixth to fourth centuries BC is known as the Mahajan padas
  • in India. Later empires and emperors were established, such as
  • Ashoka, Chandragupta Maurya.

The British

An East India company played its part in expanding its territories.
When the British settled in India from 1858, in India
became part of the British Empire.
The British era saw the liberation of the armies from foreign rule
the rise of nationalism reflected in political, literary motivation
revival and pride in our religion and culture.
In 1947, after a long struggle, we were able to gain our freedom,
although the pain pf the division and division of the world was doubled
left a scar.
Today India is an independent, social, national and democratic republic
and the same system of government wins over time again
Globalization and democracy have taken strong roots.

Religion in India

Indian arts are ancient and deeply rooted in the Hindu religion
the oldest religion in the world.
Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world after Christianity and Islam. And
known as "San Dharma" or the eternal religion.
Hinduism is rooted in the belief that human and animal spirits are immortal
return to earth to live again and again in different ways. Hindus believe that a
the soul ascends up and down the hierarchy on a moral basis.
A There is a large population of Indians in the US, UK, Canada, Africa, Australia and
many other countries.
The emergence of Hinduism is not a straightforward process from the founder to the present
organizational structure, and divided systems. Instead a mosaic of
different religions, idols, sects, ideas and alterations, twists or turns
of this existence.

The beginning of religion

Beginning The origins of Indian religion can be seen in the Indus River Valley civilization
about 5000 years ago where we found evidence of public worship, some
images of gods and goddesses.
This further development was practiced as the Sanatan Dharma, where the Aryans entered 4000 -
3500 years ago. Vedic culture 3500 - 2500 years ago. It has many cultures too
polytheism (Vedas) social stratification (caste system)
Upanishads (natural philosophy) 2800 - 2400 years ago. Vedic culture
grows in Hindu thought and philosophy.
The most important aspect of Indian religion and performing the duties of ones in
this life was considered fourfold,
Dharma, the performance of human activity as a sensible pregnancy as part of
ethical principles in society
Artha, the order of the world's worries to lead to happiness;
Kama, joy of pleasure, lust and arousal; and
Moksha, isolation and the choice of temporary pleasures and pleasures to


Hinduism will never be considered a monolithic tradition.
Is It is polytheism (polytheism), belief in one God (belief in
one God) and monistic (one single concept related to existence).
Worshiped Many gods and goddesses are worshiped, some of them by various means
they are far removed from the Sanskritic text images. Visnu,
Shiva and Devi are great gods but they have many kinds too
there are many other gods.
Throughout history there have been various independent changes
a movement that questioned the authority of the Vedas and the creation of i
another religious place through various means.
The bucket movement with the Sufi was such an organization in medieval India.
Movement by newly emerged community groups.

Sufi movement

The Sufi Saints also preach the important unity of God
that all men and women are equal in God's eyes.
They exercise self-control exercises, meditation,
rejection and self-denial.
Movements Although the Bhakti and Sufi movements could not end the
the gap between Hindus and Muslims, they certainly have
reached the necessary consensus among the various religions
These gatherings promote mutual agreement
Hinduism and Islam, and respect for others.

Arts / Crafts

Construction of various temples and sculptures as well
the paintings are a testament to the beauty of Indian art.
Indian artists saw the attributes of various gods and goddesses as
it is mentioned in their texts and they incorporate these qualities into their images.
The sense of accountability is a decorative taste, the sharpness of sight is present
clearly drawn from each image. Indian art is a combination of symbols as well
reality, spirituality and lust.
Indian art is a great lesson to continue from prehistoric times to him
current years. The epics Ramayana / Mahabhara inspired most of us
Indian art.
This was also developed as a form of choice for Fresco and less
This art then spreads to neighboring districts and beyond

Ajanta paintings

Gl Looking at the many paintings in Ajanta
caves and early sculptures
it will ensure that the ancient Indians wore it
clothes that were not sewn.
Coming of the Kushan, Sakas no
Parthenian brought a sewn cloth
India over the years has shown
the amazing power of comparisons of
This has had a variety of effects as well
the richness of our culture.
Construction of the temple, Badami
Badami known as Vatapi in
earlier times, which were in the north
Karnataka, founded in 540 AD by
Pulikeshin I.
Reminder groups
located in the city of Badami
and the villages of Aihole, Nagaral
and Pattadakal, of Bagalkot
in the region, near the river Malprabha
the eastern offering
Chalukya Kingdom (6th-8
a hundred years

Kailash Temple

Style The Dravidian or Pallava style was present
accepted by Rashtrakuta
Rulers also as can be seen in
the famous Kailash temple in Ellora
near Aurangabad (Maharashtra).
Are There are three groups of stone cutting
Ellora temples - Buddhist, Jain
and Brahmanical. The Kailash family
The temple is an amazing piece of
stone carving and carving.
Developed by Rashtrakuta
Lord Krishna 1 in the 8th century


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