Sunday 28 March 2021

Russian Culture Presentation and Traditions

Russian Culture Presentation and Traditions

Russian Culture Presentation : Russian culture has a long and rich cultural history, composed of books, ballet, painting and classical music.  Here's a quick look at Russian Culture Presentation and traditions.


The Communist Party ruled Russia and its vicinity for more than 70 years, uniting them with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). The Soviet Union dissolved in 1991.

When most people think of Russia, they think of the giant frozen tundra. That is not all there is to it geographically. There are plains, taiga, steppes, plains and mountains. [Russia from Above: Seeing in a beautiful place]

For example, in 2017 the Russian volcano Kambalny erupted after sleeping for nearly 250 years. The explosion was spectacular and smoke was visible in the air.

"We are surprised by that. We are continuing to monitor and will analyze potential threats as information enters."

Another amazing feature of Russia is Lake Baikal. This is the largest lake in the world and contains 20 percent of the world's fresh water. And it is the oldest lake in the world.

"Lake Baikal is the oldest lake in the world. It is home to some 1,700 to 1,800 species of plants and animals," said Jennifer Castner of Russia's Pacific Environment program.

Russia remains at least 190 races, according to the BBC. 


Although Russian is the official language, many Russians also speak English as a second language. The most popular is Dolgang, which is spoken by more than 5.3 percent, according to the CIA. Other minor languages ​​include Tartar, Ukrainian, Chuvash, Bashir, Mordvin, and Chechen. Although these few people make up a small percentage of the Russian population, these languages ​​are prominent in the region.

There are about 5,000 religious organizations in Russia. More than half are members of the Russian Orthodox Church, according to Russia's Foreign Ministry. 

Russian Culture Presentation ; Art, literature and architecture

Ballet is a popular art form from Russia. Founded in 1776, Bolshoi Ballet is an old ballet company based in the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow and is known worldwide. 

There are several museums, including his childhood home, his exhibitions and art objects.

Russian nesting dolls are well-known national symbols. The design of each doll, which can be a spectacular display, often depicts a poor Russian girl dressed in traditional attire.

Colored home onions appeared for the first time during the reign of Ivan the Terrible, according to Lonely Planet. They are common in the eyes of Russian architecture and are excellent church buildings.

Saturday 27 March 2021

What is black culture food - Soul Food

What is black culture food - Soul Food

Although the term was used much later, soul food came from South African home-cooked cuisine, using locally grown or collected food and other inexpensive ingredients. After their liberation from slavery in the 1860s, African American chefs added to the excess food provided by slave owners but made less. 

What is black culture food
Most of the food they prepared was common to all the rural poor of the South - light and dark-skinned as well - but these foods and cooking techniques were adopted to the north by African Americans during the Great Migration and thus adopted by African American culture. 

African Americans were often hired as cooks in white homes and restaurants, and they added the influence of dishes that their employers liked in their home cooking.

Although there were regional differences, such as the Creole influence from Louisiana, many of the same foods were eaten throughout the South. Maize (maize) was raised as a base, to be ground into cornbread and its various local hoecakes, baked on a griddle, and roasted puppies, usually fried with fish. Maize also provided hominy grits, to be eaten as breakfast or snacks. Biscuits were a popular type of bread. Rice was an important staple, especially in the Carolinas and Louisiana. Molasses and corn syrup brought sweetness.

What is black culture food - Soul Food

Poultry and pigs could not be raised on small farms without special fodder, and pork, fresh or smoked, appeared in many containers. The inclusion of smoked pork, usually in the form of fatback or bacon, is as common in the soul food containers, as is the use of preservatives such as frying or frying. 

All parts of the pork are used; sometimes only bone marrow or minor abnormalities were available for purchase. Pig tails, feet, ribs, ears, jols, hocks, liver and chitlins (chitterlings; that is, guts) become part of the soul's food history. Baking - a little meat cooking over a wood fire - became a special treat, with a variety of region and sauces and roasts. Opossums, raccoons, rabbits, squirrels, and deer were hunted, and fish, frogs, crayfish, tortoises, mussels, and crabs were collected in freshwater, saltwater, and plains. Freshwater fish was identified mainly by soul food.

African-origin vegetables, such as okra and potatoes, were widely grown, such as watermelons, vegetables (including mustard and cola), turnips, cabbage, and beans. Vegetables, especially collards, served as important sources of dietary fiber and vitamins. Lima beans, crowder peas, black-eyed peas, butter beans, and green beans are used fresh or dried. Vinegar-based pepper sauce (see pepper) is always the most widely used ingredient. Other popular dishes are fried chicken, short beef ribs, macaroni and cheese and potato salad. Desserts include pies and flat cakes, cobblers, and desserts, which often include peanuts, peaches, and berries.

Beginning in the 1940's, soul food restaurants sprang up in every major American city with a large Black population and began to attract a wide variety of customers. More recently, modern health-care chefs have sought to reduce their consumption of animal fats and salts, largely due to the rise in high blood pressure and diabetes among African Americans. In particular, canola and vegetable oils and fatty cuts have been widely used in the preparation of soul food; some cooks even prepare the equivalent of vegetables in traditional soul food dishes.

Native American Culture Facts Arias

 Native American Culture Facts

Native American Culture Facts: There are hundreds of Native American Native peoples found throughout America. Although there is a great deal of cultural diversity among many of these peoples, there are also native american culture facts, such as culture, dress and language that are shared by many of them. In this section of the Native American Indian Facts we list many aspects of the Native American culture as a whole while referring to but not focusing on specific ethnic groups. 

native american culture facts

This information, which includes the role of Native American women, where Indians acquired horses, and how they sometimes resolved conflicts without fighting, was written for children and adults. In fact, by the time European settlers arrived in the 15th century AD, scholars estimate that more than 50 million people were already living in the Americas. Of these, about ten million live in what is now the United States. In time, the emigrants and their descendants pressed south and east, adjusting their course. In pursuit of these diverse groups, geologists and geologists have divided them into “cultural centers,” or aggressive groups of respected individuals who share similar places and characteristics. Most scholars divide North America - excluding modern Mexico - into ten distinct cultural regions: the Arctic, the Subarctic, the Northeast, the South-East, the Plains, the Southwest.

Indigenous American Indigenous Cultural Facts

  1. In almost every Indian tribe men were in charge of hunting.
  2. In many parts of the United States American women were responsible for growing and harvesting crops. In some districts men will help with certain aspects of farming; for example in the southwest men plowed the land in preparation for planting.
  3. Native American women played important roles in many Native American nations; they farmed, cooked, made shelters, made tools, made weapons, and sometimes took part in hunting and war.
  4. In many tribes men were heroes but women also participated in the war. Another former warrior was Thenhenan (Moving Robe) who led the attack on the famous 1876 Battle of Greasy Grass, also known as the Custer's Last Stand or the Battle of Little Bighorn, in which Lt Colonel George Armstrong Custer was killed.
  5. Many Native American cultures practiced farming. The most common crop was corn; other important plants grown by the many tribes around America are beans and squash.
  6. Horses are very important in Native American cultures; they were used extensively for hunting and transporting such items as shelters. Horses were not native to America; The Indians discovered them when the first Spanish explorers brought them with them on their first voyage.
  7. Many Native Americans developed sports and often used these games as a way to resolve conflicts. Native American Stickball, similar to lacrosse, is one of the oldest sports teams in North America.
  8. In many cases Native American men were responsible for negotiating with other Indian tribes as well as European settlers and traders.
  9. Many Native Americans painted their faces and bodies during the war. They painted themselves with signs that they believed would provide special protection and strength in battle. For example, some tribes have painted a zig-zag line on their foreheads that showed lightning and are believed to give the hero speed and power.
  10. Many tribes traditionally used herbs and tobacco at ceremonies. Tobacco was often used as a sacrifice to the spirits.
  11. The traditional way of life of the Native Americans can be broadly divided into two groups; Farmers are unorganized and nomadic. Landowners, such as Hopi, live in one area and grow food for a living. Their houses were full of homes. Tribes like the Navajo roamed; frequent trips to follow herds of buffalo or other predators. Their houses were easily demolished and easy to move.

 Native American Culture Facts Arias

The plains

The Plains cultural area has a large river region between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains, from today in Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. Before the arrival of European traders and explorers, its inhabitants - speakers of Siouan, Algonquian, Caddoan, Uto-Aztecan and Athabaskan languages ​​- were hunters and farmers. After contact with Europeans, and especially after the Spanish colonies brought horses to the region in the 18th century, the people of Great Plains became very nomadic. Groups like Crow, Blackfeet, Cheyenne, Comanche and Arapaho use horses to follow large herds of buffalo across the valley. The most common habitat for these hunters was a teepee-shaped teepee, a buffalo leather tent that could be folded up and carried anywhere. Plains Indians are known for their feathered military bonnets.

Arctic Culture

Arctic culture, a cold, flat, wooded area (actually an icy desert) near the Arctic Circle in modern-day Alaska, Canada, and Greenland, was home to the Inuit and Aleut. Both groups spoke, and continued to speak, languages ​​derived from what scholars call the Eskimo-Aleut language family. Because of its relatively poor location, Arctic population was relatively small and dispersed. Some of its people, especially the Inuit in the northern part of the region, were nomads, following seals, cold bears and other forms of sport as they crossed the tundra. In the southern part of the region, the Aleut had become more stable, living in small coastal fishing villages.

The Inuit and Aleut were very similar. Many lived in dormant or mud-brick houses (or, in the North, snowflakes). They used seal and otter skins to make warm, weatherproof clothing, aerodynamic dogs and long, open fishing boats (Inuit kayaks; Aleut baidarkas).

By the time the United States bought Alaska in 1867, decades of oppression and exposure to European diseases were at an all-time low: The population had dropped to just 2,500; the descendants of these survivors still make a home in this area to this day.


The Northeast cultural landscape, one of the first to form a strong alliance with Europeans, stretched from what is now the Atlantic coast of Canada to North Carolina and to the heart of the Mississippi River valley. Politically stable villages, and numerous Algonqu speakers (these included Pequot, Fox, Shawnee, Wampanoag, Delaware, and Menominee) who lived in small, coastal farming areas. There they grow crops such as corn, beans, and vegetables.

Life in the cultural landscape of the Northeast was already full of conflict - Iroquoian groups often became aggressive and militant, and groups and valleys outside their joint contracts were never immune to their attacks - and it became more difficult when European colonies arrived. The colonial wars repeatedly forced the region's indigenous people to take sides, quarreling with Iroquois factions and their Algonquian neighbors. Meanwhile, with white supremacy in the west, it eventually evicted both Aborigines from their lands.

Friday 26 March 2021

Importance of Indian Culture and Heritage

Importance of Indian Culture and Heritage

Historically, India has long been regarded as the site of ancient civilization. Cultures exist in all lands, but importance of indian culture and heritage is said to be the most ancient, historically. So there is a point of trying to get deeper into this ancient state which has produced a kind of culture we call Indian culture.

Importance of Indian Culture and Heritage

The word 'culture' is something that needs to be explained in a more comprehensive way. It is a cleansing process. Cultivating something means analysis and refining. Indian culture or tradition - human culture, that is, - is a theme linked to efflorescence, development, progress, the degree to which perfection has been attained by a group of people or individuals, to the extent that it is the purification of the inner state. Cultures are connected with a person’s inner life, and whatever a person’s inner life will decide on the person’s external behavior because you cannot behave externally differently than you are on the inside. The way you talk to people, your gestures, the way you behave, the way you walk, and your interactions with people on the outside will be a reflection of this content. In your social life, which is deeply rooted in culture, you expose what you are on the inside. So the culture of the people, the culture of the nation, the culture of the country is a collective product, that is, by the culture of the people who make up that nation or country, it is widely spoken.

It does not mean that everyone thinks the same as everyone else. Each person has his or her own pattern of normal, independent life. However, apart from the differences in the small details of people's perceptions of life, there is a common consensus, a broad view that determines society, a large group of people, so apart from insignificant individual differences, we can say, there is a common sense that brings people together in a nation that is, in the normal view of life.

Culture, therefore, is the product of a common view of life. What do you think of yourself? What do you think of other people around you? What do you think about the world in which you were born? What is your general view of the objects, the world and each individual included? Your reaction to the outer space of the earth and the outside world is your culture. He reacts in a certain way to the outside world. Your reaction will determine which culture you have been given, or born into.

Something is happening in the world outside, in nature. Something is happening among the people outside. There is a great world; there is a great world. There are people. There is something happening to them or something they are doing, and you are reacting in some way to these events that are happening in the community outside or around the world. How do you react? That reaction is the result of your own culture. You will be responsible in some way for natural history, as well as for social history. This is a very secretive point because although the individual's reaction to certain events may vary from moment to moment, from person to person, the general reaction is normal, and lays the foundation for the community.

Therefore, Importance of indian culture and heritage can be individual and interdependent. India is a country with millions of people living in it, and each person has his or her own way of thinking because of each difference in their stages of evolution, but usually an Indian has to think in a normal and collective way. There is a common background in Indian thinking, although there are many differences between people. That common sense we find in India among its citizens is its tradition. This is what we call Indian culture.

Before I go any further, let me ask you all to read two books. You must read them carefully from beginning to end. The title of the first book is the Foundations of Indian Culture written by Sri Aurobindo. Aurobindo's second book is The Human Cycle. The book was formerly called Psychology of Social Development, and has now been reprinted under a different heading, The Human Cycle, and is written in a book by another author. The entire book now goes under the title The Human Cycle and Ideal of Human Unity. But this book should be read after the first book, The Foundations of Indian Culture. This is a typical activity that will inspire you not only with a high style of English writing, but also with a plethora of ideas. It's an old thing. There is another book that is very encouraging and very interesting: Eastern Religions and Western Thinking of S. Radhakrishnan. There are many other books, but since you do not have time to read so many books, I have only talked about the basics.

Importance of Indian Culture and Heritage

I have said that culture is actually a way of looking at life. What do you think about life? You would not realize that often when you think, you think in three ways. First, think for yourself. He looks inside and thinks about you. Every day he thinks about you for some reason or another, because he is so important to you. You cannot ignore your presence. From morning onwards you think about yourself. That's the first thought. Then think of other people. You look inside yourself, and you look outside the outside world. This exterior includes not only the natural world, but also the human world. By thinking you think of yourself, and rightly you think of nature and history, as we can put it. By 'history' I mean the movement and performance of people. You look at yourself and look at others, others including nature and outsiders.

Then there is a third way of thinking that is usually not in line with your normal thinking. The mind becomes too busy with yourself and other outsiders, because it has to deal with the outside world from a human point of view, that there is very little time left to think about the third thing, or something will also appear one day or another to be considered, especially if you are completely dissatisfied with your life. . Somehow you are not satisfied. Something is wrong somewhere. Something is wrong with you and something is wrong with other people. The earth itself does not seem to be satisfying.

Importance of Indian Culture and Heritage

As long as you feel a measure of satisfaction in the present world, a third idea will not come to your mind. Why should there be a need to think of the third thing when you are completely perfect, there is nothing wrong with you, and the people of the world are also perfect? They all went well. What is wrong with them? The world is going well. If this is the case, then you will have only two options: internal and external, subject and object, as they are called philosophically. The humble side and the objective side make up all human thinking. But there is something that is not the subject or object, which will speak in its own language one day or the other side when the independent side or side of the purpose will satisfy you.

In adolescence, when we are young boys and girls, we reach adolescence, unfamiliar with the elements of our inner world of the mind or the outside world. Even our own ways of thinking are new to us. Little boys and girls are not good psychologists. They are deeply moved by emotions, feelings, and a sense of urgency not only for the cause of reason but also for the combination of nature and emotions. That’s why young people are hard to control. They do not want any kind of discipline because discipline is a practical application of certain principles, and reasonableness is greatly enhanced when emotions and feelings become strong. Students in schools and colleges are chaotic and very disobedient, and they are not always listened to in the rules and ethics of learning or education because of the unpredictable order in their maturity, as well as the environment and emotions that play a major role.

But you will not always be a student. As you progress and have a better knowledge of the world, something will tell you that this kind of life is not fully satisfying. It's like the boredom you've been through. There is a problem every day with you, and with others as well. Something is completely unsatisfactory.

Something has to be satisfying, but nothing in the world will satisfy you. You can't complain about anything unless you have a solution to it. You have the idea that things should be this way; therefore, he says these things are wrong. So when you don't feel satisfied with yourself or the outside world it could be because you have something set before you as a standard, compared to what you are complaining about the world or against yourself. You have set the level. That level cannot be you because they are not satisfied with you. That level also cannot be the world without, because that too is unsatisfactory. You have a nice, undisturbed place that seems to be driving you and telling you that it exists. This is the third way of looking at it; that’s what’s called ‘looking over’. Looking inside, looking outside and looking up, these are three ways to look at the human mind.

Philosophical thoughts, religious ideas or spiritual and physical encounters are linked to overview. The 'above' does not actually look up at the sky. It makes sense. It is a condition that draws you and draws your attention. The words 'inside', 'outside', and 'above' that I have used should not be taken for granted. It's not that there is anything here and there is something else somewhere. Words should be taken and understood in their proper spirit, not just in their book. The interior is limited to the psyche, and the absence is the state under which the human world looks. Both of these conditions, like conditions alone, do not satisfy you because they are conditions. You want to be unconditional. Limitations are disgusting. You don't like any kind of restrictions. The earth is your limit, and you are the limit of the earth. You do not love the world, and the world will not agree with you. You are always arguing. You want to find a solution to this type of problem by using a specific goal that will not be a party, either by your side or by the world side. He will stand as a referee in the match, not a member of either team.

Cultural values ?? are not engagement values. It’s not just what you think because you want to think. Cultural values ?? do not necessarily reflect the thinking of some people. It is something that most people are expected to think of in a positive way. It’s not my thought or your thought; it is an idea that people in general should enjoy with the same well-being. Otherwise, if I have my own thoughts and you have your own thoughts, we will not have a social life, and there can be no integration of the spirit of nationalism. There can be no world, as we call it. The whole world thinks in only one way: this is my country. So the Italians say, the Germans say, the French say, the Indians say, everyone says. This is my country. Someone who says “this is my country” doesn’t just think about his point of view. In one way or another he is moving toward himself in a way that is consistent with the general pattern of national life. It’s a kind of general, common thinking. Cultural thinking, or cultural thinking, as we would like to put it, is a thought that rises above all pure humility and pure purpose. And you have no connection with what happens outside, and you do not limit your thoughts to yourself.

Importance of Indian Culture and Heritage

Therefore, being a cultural person is not an easy task. You can read books in school or college, you may be educated, but you don't have to have a culture. Education is not the same as culture. Education gives you details about things, but culture refines your personality. That's the difference. You may have a degree, but you may not be a refined person. You can have a degree in physics or chemistry or history, you may know exactly what history is, physics, chemistry. But if you don't know anything about yourself, you are not a refined person, a polished person, a smooth walker. You are not attractive; he dismisses, instead. That could be the case with an indifferent person. Therefore, education does not have to be viewed as cultural.

But education should be a force for good, and if today's education system is not conducive to growth, there is much more to it. We have job-oriented education, technical education; we have art and science, personality and whatnot, but it all has to do with the finite areas of thought. A person skilled in physics knows nothing about history, a well-educated man of history knows nothing about chemistry, etc. They are mentally alien to their country. Growing up must be human, and nurturing can rise above the automatic way of thinking or the external way of thinking. You should not place your idea on your own personality or in a group of outsiders - the way of thinking of society, as they call it, the fundamental way of thinking. All of this must be overcome.

A cultured person is not an ordinary person; the type of person who is most independent is that person, the person who is the highest because that person has risen above the general limits of human personality. What are the individual personality limitations? Hunger, thirst, physical sensations such as hunger and thirst, and psychological stress such as egoism play a major role in our lives.

You should eat every day. The most important point. You should get good food at least once a day. This is a basic need, which cannot be avoided physically, and it cannot be ignored in any case. Whatever the situation in the world, you need to eat first and foremost, and keep an eye on it. Second, you need to be known. A stranger is not a happy person. Otherwise, you will feel worthless. There is such a thing as self-respect. You always feel like you're something, and you wouldn't want to be treated as worthless. You are someone, and you would not want to be told that you are nothing. You need respect. That is a working condition, and the concept is stronger than hunger. You can starve for three days without food for some reason, but you do not want to starve your self-esteem. Instead, you would starve to death in order to earn some self-respect. If you feel that your dignity will be improved under certain circumstances that require you not to eat, you may have to work very hard to see that your self-esteem is taken to their level, respected by the community at the highest level. If high self-esteem can be achieved through hard work, which includes less starvation, you won't have to worry. In the event of a political election, for example, people representing the election and wishing to be promoted to a higher place of honor in public gatherings may have to run here and there, sometimes without food or shelter. You've seen this. Even if you don't sleep, without food, you can be there for a while, but without self-respect you can't even be there for a day. The Ego is a stronger emotion than other emotions. But a person who has grown up culturally rises above this basic, impure, boundary state where he is confronted with the state of ego and body.

A person is a person who can see the personality of another person as well. It's not that you want everything, while others want nothing. The food you need and the self-respect you ask for also crave some people. A person is not self-centered in the sense that he can see the same personality traits in others. You love others as you love yourself, and you will be able to treat others the way you would like to be treated.

A basic characteristic of a pregnant woman's behavior is that she is able to look after others, treat others, treat others the way she would like to behave, or someone else wants others to behave well. . How would you like others to treat you? You have a certain idea, a common set: I wish others would treat me this way. That is the way you should treat other people. In a way, the world is a policy of giving and taking. The world will give you exactly what it gives you. You can't expect in the world what you are not ready to give. If you abuse the world psychologically or socially, it will hurt you in the same way mentally and socially.

Why did it happen? It happens because you are part of the world, both from the point of view of nature and society. The physical body is made up of five elements: earth, water, fire, air, and ether. Thus, he is a part of nature. Nature is made up of five elements: earth, water, fire, air, and ether. They are similar to the characteristics of your physical personality, this physical personality. You are one with nature until the basic building blocks of your personality are affected - the same physiology, the same anatomy. Socially too, one with people. Some people say that man is a social animal. Maybe you're an animal; that's a different story, but you're a community. Society refers to the ability to connect with people in a harmonious way. An unconditional relationship cannot be called a social relationship. That could be a socially unfriendly relationship. The consensus needed for human survival is social.

Why is it important for you to have relationships with other people? Because in order to survive, you need the cooperation and cooperation of other people. You want other people to cooperate with you and help you whenever you need it, but why should they help you when there is no communication between you and other people? The necessary communication between you and other people for the purpose of a comfortable life and even survival is the communication we love.

All of this is part of cultural behavior, and any words I have spoken to you today form a kind of foundation that is partially based psychologically, socially, and perhaps to some extent is philosophical. Culture is, therefore, partly psychological, social, partly philosophical. Why is that? It is psychological because you are also involved in it, it is social because other people are involved in it, and it is philosophical because life is involved in something higher than you and other people. The supernatural control of the universe. That comes under the context of philosophy. Cultural studies usually include psychology, social studies and philosophy.

Importance of Indian Culture and Heritage
In this lesson on the ancient heritage of India, the plan I will follow is something like this. First, I said the basic thing: how we should start thinking before we start thinking about culture. And I’ve also said what about where culture is in terms of its importance. Now, as we have used the words 'ancient Indian culture', there will also be something historical about it. So apart from the three things I have listed - psychology, social science and philosophy - I would need to add a fourth subject now, called history. In this regard, there will be an ancient Indian history beyond the realm of psychology, social science, and philosophy. It's a very big topic.

I will not follow any particular book even if what I am going to tell you will be in these books, especially Aurobindo's Foundations of Indian Culture. My book will be on my mind only; I don't have a book. Today I close and thank you so much for being here with me, and I will see you tomorrow morning.

Thursday 25 March 2021

History of Hinduism in India

History of Hinduism in India

In summary

  • History of Hinduism in India has strengthened a strong social order called the class system that makes it difficult for people to get out of their social channel.
  • Rulers during the Gupta regime used Hinduism as a unified religion and focused on Hinduism as a means of salvation.

History of Hinduism in India

The followers of Hinduism can worship many different gods, although it is not a polytheistic religion because all these gods believe that they are signs of a single Brahman. Agni, Indra, Shiva, Vishnu, and Ganesha are just a few examples of the Hindu deities of various denominations who have come to regard the deity as the most important of all time. 

Shiva is sometimes associated with the process of destruction, and Vishnu is seen as the creator who uses the remnants of Shiva's destruction to restore what was destroyed.

The remarkable difference between Hinduism and other major religions is that it has no definite founder or originator; rather, it grew and spread - about the beginning of 5500 BCE - on the Indian subcontinent and changed over time according to Indian culture and economics.

It is the backbone of social programs in India

The Aryans, nomadic herdsmen from Central Asia who migrated to the Indian subcontinent in 1500 BCE, had already established a sectarian system consisting of four main groups of people: brahmins, or priests; kshatriya, or warriors and princes; vaisha, or farmers and merchants; and shudras, or serfs.

This classification and occupation found a much larger place within Hinduism: according to Hindu mythology, the god Purusha was composed of four divisions, the Brahmins at the head and the Shudras at the feet. It was believed that shudras were born in their category because they did bad things in a previous life, or in the adoption. The Hindu concept of karma suggested that moral people would be born into a higher society.

History of Hinduism in India - The spread of Hinduism - Popularization of Hinduism

Hinduism initially began as a tradition that originated within the brahmin class, making it difficult for the lower classes to reach, but gradually they became more and more popular. Sometime between about 1500 and 500 BCE, two famous poems called Mahabharata and Ramayana were composed and eventually composed in the first centuries of the Common Era. 

history of hinduism in india

These poems set out details about Hindu values ​​and deities - for example, Vishnu - on the mysterious stories of love and war. When these stories were written down, they spread quickly and easily throughout India. Another inscription, the Bhagavad Gita, was a poem emphasizing Hindu values ​​and the opportunity for salvation for those who lived by them. The Bhagavad Gita helped to spread Hinduism to the common people because it ensured that people could gain salvation by performing their nationalistic rituals.

A drawing of Lord Krishna teaching the _Bhagavad Gita_ to Arjuna in Kurukshetra. Lord Krishna is depicted in blue and is adorned with jewels and seated on a chariot of gold, drawn by horses.

During the Gupta era - from about 320 to 550 CE - emperors used Hinduism as a unifying religion and helped to promote it by promoting educational programs that included Hindu teachings; they also gave the world brahmins. The Gupta emperor helped to make Hinduism the most popular religion in the Indian subcontinent.

Wednesday 24 March 2021

Indian Culture and Religion in the Ancient World

 Indian Culture and Religion in the Ancient World

Indian Culture and Religion: Indian languages, dance, music, indian culture and religion, architecture and food vary from other place to place. India is home to some of the world's oldest religions, Hinduism and Buddhism, as well as Jainism. All three originated with shared beliefs and traditions, such as reincarnation, karma, and freedom and the attainment of nirvana. Religions from India Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism are all based on the concepts of dharma and karma. 

Indian Culture and Religion

Ahimsa, the philosophy of non-violence, is an important factor in the traditional Indian religions that were strongly supported by Mahatma Gandhi, who used public disobedience to unite India during the Indian liberation struggle - this philosophy further promoted Martin Luther King Jr. during American society the rights movement. Foreign religions, including the Abrahamic religions, such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam, exist in India as well as in Zoroastrianism and Baháʼí Faith both fleeing persecution by Muslims have also found refuge in India over the centuries. India has 28 countries and 8 territories of multicultural unions and is the second most populous country in the world. 

Indian Culture and Religion, often written as a mix of different cultures, extends across the Indian subcontinent and is influenced and shaped by a few thousand years of history. Throughout the history of India, Indian culture has been largely influenced by Dharmic religions, and they are said to form the largest Indian philosophy, literature, art, art and music. 

This mainly affects the spread of Hinduism, Buddhism, architecture, administration and writing from India to other parts of Asia on the Silk Road by seafarers and seafarers during the first centuries of the Common Era. To the west, Greater India straddles the Greater Persia Hindu Kush and the Pamir Mountains. Over the centuries, there have been numerous cultural encounters between Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, Jains, Sikhs, and various ethnic groups in India.

Indian Culture and Religion in the Ancient World

They are collectively known as Indian religions. The religions of India are the main form of the religions of the world and of Abraham. Today, Hinduism and Buddhism are the third and fourth largest religions in the world, with a total of more than 2 billion adherents, and perhaps between 2.5 and 2.6 million.

India is one of the most religious and racially diverse countries in the world, with its deepest cultural and religious traditions. Religion plays a vital and positive role in the lives of many of its people. Although India is a predominantly Hindu country, it has a predominantly Muslim population. With the exception of Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Mizoram and Lakshadweep, Hindus make up the majority of people in all 28 regions and 8 union areas. 

Muslims are present throughout India, with a large population in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra, Kerala, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal and Assam; while Jammu and Kashmir and Lakshadweep only had a large Muslim population. Sikhs and Christians are some of India's youngest.

According to the 2011 indian population, 79.8% of the population of India practiced Hinduism. Islam (14.2%), Christianity (2.3%), Sikhism (1.7%), Buddhism (0.7%) and Jainism (0.4%) are some of the major religions practiced by the Indian people. Many national religions, such as Sarnaism, are found in India, although these have been influenced by major religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and Christianity. Jainism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, and Baha'i Bahí Faith are also influential, but their numbers are small. Atheism and agnostics also have a significant impact on India, as well as the autonomy of other religions. 

According to a study by the Pew Research Center, India will have the largest population of Hindus and Muslims in the world by 2050. India is expected to have an estimated 311 million Muslims making up about 19-20% of the population and currently about 1.3 billion Hindus are expected to live in India which includes about 76% of the population.

Indian Culture and Religion in the Ancient World

Indian Culture and Religion

The Cārvāka school originated in India about the sixth century BCE It is one of the first forms of materialism and atheism in ancient India. Sramana, Buddhism, Jainism, ījīvika and other Hindu schools consider atheism to be legitimate and reject the idea of ​​a creator's deity, tradition and superstition. India has produced well-known atheists and social reformers. According to the 2012 WIN-Gallup Global Index of Religion and Atheism, 81% of Indians believed, 13% were atheists, 3% believed in atheism, and 3% were unsure or did not respond.

The meaning of the word culture is broad and cannot be limited to a single definition. However, it can be understood as an integrated social norm, expressed by its many institutions and, by nature, attitudes, practices of individual members. These too are exposed to a variety of material, ideologies and beliefs of individuals and communities.

Thus, culture incorporates certain aspects of interconnected institutions, such as morality, religion, spirituality, law, tradition, art etc. which are not limited to man and are passed down from generation to generation. Clearly, cultural institutional elements are emerging and powerful.

Cultures include psychological and literary material related to languages, literature, human reading, social norms, culture and ethics. Human and social aesthetics are another major aspect of culture, including, the many manifestations of practical and intangible art forms, namely, music, dance, carpentry, painting and architecture and more. of modern culture as it is the cave paintings of prehistoric society, of which we know very little. 

The Bhakti and Sufi movements were aspects of the spiritual nature of the ancient history culture, as were the large castles and palaces of this period, which is a reflection of its cultural and social traditions. Sangam's writings were an expression of the psychological, social, and moral aspects of a culture that flourished nearly two thousand years ago. Indigenous art and traditional ways of life also reflect the culture of the community, such as the urbane life and the love of the past. Thus, our place of residence, cuisine, costume, materialism, in addition to making art and architecture, all reflect the material or material objects of culture, such as religion, culture, ceremonies, customs, social and moral practices, philosophy and law, reflect non-material or intangible.

But Culture itself has never stood still or the independent weight of similar symbols. Active and powerful, it has a new wave of social and cultural influences that breed milieus of unusual cultures. Involvement and evolution are its natural and integrated elements. This is the most important characteristc reflected in Mahatma Gandhi's words, "No culture can survive if it tries to be alone."

But because of its fleeting nature, what is it that always provides for the continuance of feeding the Culture and Religion, maintaining its integrity from time to time? At the root of many cultural manifestations, there is the element of civilization and its people. It is a permanent feature. The sub-categories are personal, do not limit them, and their background is not limited to that particular community. All in all and its ethos is well illustrated in the Upanishadic song, sarve bhavantu sukhinah (they can all be happy).

Indeed, the whole of it extends beyond human rule, to all the emotional creatures and to its finest expression, even attempting to support the biotic world and the abiotic state. Civilization may incorporate this element as morality and law, while religion may see it as a moral code or a spirit. But beauty, in spite of its distinction, is the only eternal soul of any culture, the remnants, its outer grasp no matter how glorious and shiny it looks, is more than just unhealthy weight.

The author is an IRS official and author of the book, 'Indian Heritage, Art and Culture'. Viewed views are personal.

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